David Saddington
Climate Change Communicator

"He has established himself as one of the most important contemporary voices; helping others understand the scale and complexity of the climate crisis"
Prof Alex Palman, former Head of Climate Communications UK Government
"Climate change is an enormous and contentious topic, yet David made his Hong Kong lecture so understandable, relevant to the local context and incredibly uplifting."
Sophia Chan-Combrink, Head of Education British Council Hong Kong
"David has a critical mission. His passion, knowledge and delivery will attract many to better understand and act on climate change"
Michele Sofisti, CEO Gucci watches & jewellery

Climate communicator
Science & solutions
Influencing UK & international policy, fronting a pioneering climate media campaign that reached over 3 million people and giving a TED talk at London's O2 arena are just a few of David Saddington's achievements as a climate change activist since experiencing a stark introduction to the impacts of climate change as a thirteen year old.
David is an experienced yet contemporary voice for climate change action, speaking to a range of audiences around the world - from United Nations Conferences to BBC news. David communicates the complexities of climate science and speaks about how to implement game-changing solutions from his work implementing programmes with Governments and multinational corporations in more than thirty countries.
His is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and Durham University, UK Board member for Nile Rodgers' We Are Family Foundation and a WWF Earth Hour Hero.